Research – Noha Ramadan

Academie voor Theater en Dans | Robert van der Ree photography | scenefotografie | theaterfotografie | theater photography | theatre photography

Interdisciplinary Research in Development – Noha Ramadan & IDlab Open Studio

Noha Ramadan has been artist in residence in IDlab for 2 weeks as part of a longer research trajectory into moving image and proprioception. Friday April 5th Noha will be showing some new material in the studio of the IDlab.

Translating the movement of an electronic gymbal into dance, and grafting the dancers’ sense of spatiality onto camera behaviour. Almost articulating a continuously emergent and transforming subjectivity which finds – we can’t quite hold it in our hands – and loses itself between us.
We get closer, re-orient, open up at the horizon, change our view, attract change.

This dance and video installation has been created in conversation/practice with choreographer/dancers Andreas Hannes, Charlie Laban Trier, Elisa Zuppini, Tomislav Feller
and artist/filmmaker Dorian de Rijk.

Interested to see more? Theater photography

Theme — Timber
2025 © Robert van der Ree
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